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Yesterday, after our court date and celebratory lunch out (we told C she could choose anywhere she wanted to go. What did she choose? Golden Corral.), we asked C if she wanted us to make a public declaration about her new name on Facebook or keep it private. She said share it.

Nothing could have prepared us for the outpouring of love we have received since we did. Hundreds of positive posts, texts and private messages. Not one nasty, or even remotely unpleasant, comment. I know there are people out there who disagree with C's "decision" and our support for her, but thankfully they are keeping themselves to themselves. We are feeling the love.

We have had messages from people we haven't spoken to since school offering congratulations. We have learned that friends and acquaintances have trans family members, too. We have had offers of hand-me-downs for C and loaner books on parenting in tricky situations. We feel loved.

A few weeks ago while we were travelling through rural Louisiana, we had a run-in with a red-faced bigot demanding to know why "that boy" was in the girl's bathroom. We left shaking with anger, C feeling humiliated and deflated. As a parent, it broke my heart to watch that hatred seep in to her skin. But yesterday, as we settled down for the evening, my husband asked C if she wanted to read all the messages we received after sharing her news. For a solid 30 minutes she sat smiling as she scrolled through comments filled with love and support. They say it takes 10 positive comments to counteract every negative one. You have eased some of the hurt she has experienced. Where bigots have tried to break her down brick by brick, you have built a buttress to help her endure further attacks.


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